The Paleoethnobotany Laboratory at the U of A contains facilities and references for archaeobotanical identification, quantification, and interpretation. Our space in Old Main 111 features Leica compound and dissecting microscopes with an integrated camera system for documenting and analyzing archaeological and comparative materials. We also share a separate wet lab with fume hood and centrifuge for microbotanical processing.
Our botanical comparative collections include seeds, wood, geophytes, starch, and herbarium voucher specimens, with a regional focus on the North American Pacific Northwest and the Eastern Woodlands. We are in the process of building this collection and imaging these reference materials. We are currently looking for volunteers to help with organizing and digitizing this reference collection as well as help with sorting and identifying archaeological samples.
We also have an extensive library collection of plant identification references, ethnobotanical and ethnobiological works, and geoarchaeological books. All are welcome to reference these materials within the lab space.